July 2022 Joint Parish Meeting

Normanby by Spital and Owmby by Spital

Joint Parish Council Meeting

20th July 2022 19:30

St Peters and St Pauls Church, Owmby By Spital

Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council met on 20th July 2022 in St Peters and St Pauls Church Owmby by Spital at 7.30pm.

Chaired by Cllr Widdison.

Also Present :              NPC - Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Firth, Martin, Moulson

                                          OPC – Cllrs Crompton Howe, Leah, Mellor, Welch

4 Members of the public.


Meeting commenced at 19:30

A member of the public spoke on concerns that were raised concerning the sale of the community field following posts on the Community Facebook page. He would be very concerned if the field was being put up for sale for development.

As this is an agenda item the members of the public were invited to stay to listen to the discussion.

5/2022 Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Clinch and Swift. It was resolved to accept the reasons as valid.

6/2022 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation

None declared

7/2022 To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

Joint Meeting held on 25 January 2022

Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record.

8/2022 To discuss proposal from Jamie Marshall to acquire a strip of land from the Community Park.

The proposal can be read here.

The agenda item was discussed at length.

The question was asked by the Chair “Do we agree to the proposal?

It was put forward that the proposal in its current form is unacceptable in reflection of its potential worth and this was agreed by a majority.

In order that we may consider moving forward with the proposal there are several things to address and a timetable needs to be drawn up.

1. Under the 106 agreement and the Local Government Act 1972 – can we sell the land?

a. Information regarding this will be obtained through WLDC and Legal advice.

2. What is the perceived value of the land?

a. Advice will be sort through Land Agents.

3. What are the full intentions of Mr Marshall in relation to the proposal?

a. Due to the current access to Lime Grove restricting further development over the properties already with planning permission it would be a reasonable assumption that if alternative access is gained then Mr Marshall could stand to gain more and build more houses. It may be prudent to apply a covenant to the development should further changes to the planning application be made in addition to the existing two houses.

4. The Parish Councils have committed to holding a public consultation before any agreement is made with Mr Marshall. It is recognised that engagement with the community is of the upmost importance as it is community land.

If there are to be any further houses built they will be on Private land. Not the Community Park.

Cllr Widdison Proposed that the above timetable be actioned.

Cllr Mellor – Seconded

All were in favour.

9/2022 To appoint a working party for the purpose of collating information regarding the Jamie Marshall proposal. 

Cllrs Crompton Howe, Firth, Leah and Widdison will form a Working Party to commence work based on the timeline outlined above.

All were in favour of the Working Party.

10/2022 Note\Resolve items for Community Park Committee (CPC) - 

a. Note findings of public consultation

Cllr Firth indicated that due to the lack of attendance she would like to see more consultation.

Cllr Crompton Howe suggested that consultation should form part on an actual event in order to engage with people that are already in attendance.

Cllr Widdison indicated that we should act upon the information already gathered from previous consultations. We need to show the community we can act upon the information we have already gathered.

Cllr Creek indicated disappointment in relation to the lack of volunteers coming forward to support the Community Park.

b. Resolve to accept the Business Plan

A number of items within the plan require some minor alterations and these will be advised to the CPC. It was resolved to alter the title to “ASPIRATIONAL PLAN” to make it clearer that this is what we aspire to achieve potentially through Grant Applications.

*20:19 Cllr Moulson left the meeting.

It was acknowledge that a lot of work had gone into drawing the plan up.

Main concerns were raised around the Community Garden and the work that this would involve

when there is already a shortfall in volunteers.

Safeguarding and the height of the hedge remains a concern.

It was resolved to accept the plan once the changes discussed had been made.

Proposed Cllr Crompton Howe

Seconded Cllr Creek

All were in favour

*20:25 Cllr Martin left the meeting

c. Resolve to accept the proposed budget for the remainder of 2022 and to the end of 2023.

Cllr Widdison stated that there had been some negative comments of his chairing method on a prior occasion. He reminded Councillors that it is the role of the chair to control the debate and the timescale it runs to.

A discussion took place around the Budget for 2022 – 2023 as presented.

It was requested and agreed that a priority order be applied to the Major Projects as follows

*20:28 Cllr Martin returned


2. Electricity

3. Storage (investigate option to hire)

To achieve these would potentially leave a shortfall in the working capital for events. It was suggested that this could be made up by a donation of £250 from each council – a decision that will be put to the next Parish Council meetings.

Those present resolved to accept Proposed budget based upon the changes indicated above.

It was resolved to accept the Events Plan as presented.

Proposed Cllr Widdison

Second Cllr Crompton Howe

All were in favour.

d.      Resolve to accept the Terms and Conditions for hire of the park by members of the public. 

Following a minor change to the Terms of Reference concerning forfeiture of payment on cancellation it was resolved to accept the document.

Cllr Crompton Howe proposed a vote of thanks in acknowledgement of the work that had gone into producing the documents for the CPC. All were in favour.

Meeting Closed 21:24