September 2022 Minutes
27 September 2022
St Peters and St Pauls Church, Owmby by Spital
commencing at 7pm.
Chaired by Cllr Crompton-Howe
Present Cllrs Leah, Mellor, Swift and Welch
74/2022 – 1. To receive reports from County & District Councillors & Police, if present
Report received from Cllr Bunney.
75/2022 – 2. Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. - Cllr Bunney
76/2022 – 3. To formally note Cllr Welch as new councillor. – Noted and thanked for joining the team.
77/2022 – 4. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None declared
78/2022 – 5. To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
a. Meeting held on 12 July 2022 – Resolved to accept as a true record.
79/2022 – 6. Policies & Documents
a. To resolve to accept the following
Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information act 2000
Statement of Internal Controls
Document Retention Policy
Proposed - Cllr Mellor , Second – Cllr Swift – All in favour.
80/2022 – 7. Highways Matters – Pavements have been completed to a “reasonable” standard and will probably need to be revisited before to long.
81/2022 – 8. Ash Tree – to consider quotes and appoint a contractor to remove the Ash Tree
Resolved to remove the tree to ground level. Too look at the possibility of saving some 3ft lengths of branches for creating pillars around the woodland area.
Resolved to appoint Tree Man Dan to carry out the work.
82/2022 – 9. CPC Update
To appoint a replacement Councillor to the CPC following the resignation of Cllr Brookes.
a. Cllr Welch appointed.
Note ROSPA Report
Resolve to accept existing DBS Checks for Cllrs Moulson and Leah and also Mrs B Moulson.
Resolved to accept. Cllr Leah will also carry out some training in the future.
Resolve to appoint a responsible person to carry out monthly safety checks of the Community Park
Resolved to appoint Cllr Moulson.
Resolve to agree Community Park 5 year plan be referred to as “Strategic Plan” for the basis of Grant applications and to add a sub title to indicate that it is dependent upon grants and fund raising. – Resolved
Resolve to increase the budget allocation for the swings in order that suitable ones can be obtained. Proposed – Cllr Mellor, Second – Cllr Swift – Resolved
Note update on Swings, Goal Posts and Electricity supply. – Noted
83/2022 - 10. To note progress with land purchase proposal - Noted
84/2022 - 11. To discuss - Jubilee Green Canopy
Free bundle – approx. 30 trees (whips)
Cllr Swift has obtained a quote for 175 whips along with the relevant protection and stakes.
Clerk to obtain quotes for Flailing the land inside the Highgate Lane end to tidy it up in preparation for planting trees. Cllr Swift to get quote for a specific commemorative tree.
85/2022 - 12. Finance Matters
Election of a Finance and Audit sub committee –
Cllrs Mellor, Swift, Welch
To note the correspondence concerning the External Auditor Appointment
Arrangements - Noted
Resolve to donate £250 to the CPC – Resolved
86/2022 - 13. Finance
Balance b\f = £6553.58 + Reserve of £6623.12 = £13176.70
Payments to approve retrospectively.
Glendale |
Grass Cutting GC446-PC-03519 |
348.00 |
Pay\Exp July 2022 |
180.00 |
Defib Support |
100.00 |
VAT Refund |
30.09 |
Plants for boxes |
36.91 |
Glendale |
Grass Cutting GC446-PC-03586 |
348.00 |
Pay\Exp August 2022 |
180.00 |
Glendale |
Grass Cutting GC446-PC-03655 |
234.00 |
Grass Verges 8809 |
342.00 |
Total |
1799.00 |
Northern Power |
Wayleave |
16.94 |
1\2 Share ROSPA |
35.00 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03655 |
97.50 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03586 |
145.00 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03519 |
145.00 |
1/2 Share Insurance Uplift |
31.31 |
Total |
470.75 |
Payments to approve
Rospa |
Inspection Fee |
84.00 |
Grass verges 8880 |
228.00 |
Audit Cost |
426.00 |
Glendale |
Grass cutting GC446-PC-03717 |
174.00 |
Total |
912.00 |
Balance c\f
Balance c\f = £4313.33 + Reserve of £6623.12 = £10936.45
87/2022 - 14. Date of next meeting – 15 November 2022
November meeting – Hedges around cemetery.
Spraying around sets.