November 2021 Draft Minutes


9 November 2021 7pm

St Peters Church, Owmby By Spital



PRESENT -  Cllrs Crompton Howe, Leah, Brooke, Swift, Mellor and the Clerk.

Public – 2 members

126/21  -  There were no apologies for absence

127/21 – There were no public questions

128/21 - Reports from County & District Councillors & Police, - CC and DC councillors not present.

The police report indicated 1 incident of Criminal damage and 2 suspicious circumstances.

129/21  - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act – non declared

130/21 - To approve notes of the previous meeting held previously:

a) 14th September 2021 - Resolved

131/21 -  Matters arising from the September meeting - All covered under the agenda.

132/21 - Correspondence –

  1. £725.29 has been received from WLDC as a payment under the Community Infrastructure Levy scheme. The sum should be earmarked for a specific item or items. Clerk to ascertain in respect of what this was awarded.
  2. Invitation to obtain an updated Register of electors – Clerk to obtain.

133/21 - H & S Policy

               This is still work in progress and it was discussed that Cllr Leah should continue to work on a policy with Cllr Moulson for presentation to the council with a view to it becoming a policy with commonality that can be used for the community park as well as both councils.

  1. Clerk to get an Accident Book.
  2. Consideration should be given to appointing a volunteer Health and Safety Officer and a deputy.
  3. H&S implications to be considered when contractors are cutting the field. Signage indicating temporary closure then when mowing the grass for instance.
  4. Contractors when appointed should be able to provide their own risk assessments and evidence of insurance.

134/21 - CPC

  1. Platinum Jubilee is on the agenda.
  2. Consideration for a Jubilee Garden.
  3. CPC request for funds to stabilise the benches in line with the ROSPA report.
    1. £238 – resolved to release funds for materials. Labour and tools provided by volunteers.
  4. CPC request for funds for events leading up to Christmas
    1. Craft Fayre
    2. Christmas Raffle
    3. Living Advent Calendar
    4. Christmas Jumper Walk

Resolved to release a sum of £365 from the CPC Account to put the events on to enable funds to be raised.

                                             Proposed Cllr Crompton Howe, Seconded Cllr Mellor, all in favour.

  1. Connections to the field for electric and water. – Phil Jackman as Chair of CPC is liaising with organisations to obtain quote. Intention to put the quotes to both councils for approval for onward submission to the Trustees of the Owmby and Normanby Trust
  2. Lottery funding was not granted on this occasion. It is agreed that a letter needs draughting to the Lottery Commission from both Chairs indicating the forward plans and how both councils are working together.

135/21 - 5 Year Plan Update

  1. Meet the councillors went well. 11 public in attendance. Cllr Bunney and PCSO Law. Looking to repeat the event next year and gain momentum with it.        
  2. It is hoped that we can move back towards a Joint Neighbourhood Plan with Normanby.
  3. Cemetery – plan to get together a working party, planting daffodils etc.

136/21 - Cemetery Update

               Cllr Elliott of NPC has been appointed to take charge of the burial register and is to work with the Clerk of OPC to ensure the smooth running of the cemetery.

137/21 - Highways Matters

  1. Highgate Lane report has been chased.
  2. Caenby Village Corner has been chased.
  3. Flooding at the bottom of Pump Hill, and by the Green Burial Ground has been reported.
  4. The offer of a one tonne bag of salt from WLDC has not been taken up due to the lack of storage facilities. Suggestion to seek a willing volunteer to store if the offer is available next year. 
  5. Street light – Normanby Road is not working. – Clerk to check and report.
  6. Ash Tree on Normanby Road – Chase up with Cllr Bunney\Highways

138/21 - Grass \ Hedges

               Discussion around the quotes received for grass cutting and hedges in the Community Field and Cemetery. Some quotes are very different and these have been questioned – awaiting confirmation. Chair is to meet with Glendales as these are the only one that hasn’t been escorted around the sites. Would like to employ a local supplier. Some of the quotes are for one off items and therefor no requirement to be repeated. Suggestion to speak to contractors with a view to amortizing over a 3 year period. Chair to update the sheet once the final discussions have been held with Glendale. Once all quotes are in an finalised they can be shared with NPC. Suggestion for joint meeting to discuss and agree a contractor (or contractors) going forward. Quotes have been obtained from Alistair Williams, Nigel Heather (existing contractor for Community Park) and Glendales.

139/21 – Precept, the estimate for the following years requirements needs to be in to WLDC by the end of November. The draft indicates a potential increase of 42%. The increase is indicative of rising costs of maintenance of the Community Field and Cemetery – which are shared with NPC and also the verges. There is an additional budget for training of councillors and the clerk as this is an area that has been previously lacking. It is acknowledged that training is a requirement for ensuring compliance and the smooth running of the council. Clerk to seek information from WLDC concerning the impact of this increase.

               Resolved to accept the draft – Proposed – Cllr Mellor, Seconded Cllr Brooke.

140/21 - Finance & accounts for payment-          

  1. Balance at last meeting – 8356.24
  2. Payments since last meeting -




Website Maint





Clerk Pay\Exp Sep 2021





Service charge





PAYE 4,5,6





Defib Service

















  1. Balance c\f 8406.18
  2. Payments to be made -




How Much


1\2 Community Park



T Elms

Payroll Admin




Salary Oct




Resolved to pay all items shown above.

141/21 - Planning Application - Reconsult Planning Application 143252 – No further comments to add.


Next Meeting 11th January 2022

Would like to plan a joint meeting with NPC – Chair will look to arrange with Chair of NPC.

Meeting closed at 21:15