October 2022 Minutes

Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council

c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ

Tel: 07766 396061


Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)

12 October 2022 at 7.30pm


Present: Cllrs Creek, Leah, Moulson, Welch and Mrs Moulson, Mrs Brooke, Cllr Widdison

40/2022 - 1. Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. – None received

41/2022 - 2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None declared.

42/2022 - 3. To elect a new chairperson following the resignation of Mr Phil Jackman

                Cllr Creek Nominated - Cllr Leah – proposed, Cllr Welch – seconded.

43/2022 - 4. To elect a new vice chair.

                Cllr Leah Nominated - Cllr Creek – proposed, Cllr Welch – seconded.

44/2022 - 5. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 30 August 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.

All in favour

45/2022 - 6. To formally Co-opt Mrs Isabelle Brooke to the Committee

Proposed – Cllr Moulson, Seconded – Mrs Moulson

Mrs Brooke was invited to join the rest of the committee at the table.

46/2022 - 7. To discuss donations to funds and approve spend within ringfenced requirements.

A donation has been received from Owmby and Normanby Ladies club which has now been dissolved. The caveat of the donation was that it was ringfenced for the purchase of Junior swings with the balance remaining being used for adding to the aesthetics of the park with tree planting. It was agreed that the clerk proceed with the order for the swings.

A donation has also been received from the villages’ charitable trust “TRUST PROPERTY HELD ICW THE FORMER NORMANBY AND OWMBY VILLAGE INSTITUTE AND HALL”. The donation will support the purchase of Toddler swings.

Cllr Summers has kindly donated from his Councillor Initiative Fund in support of enhancing the park.

Cllr Widdison – thanked the clerk for the work done with the Ladies club and Cllr Summers to secure the funds.


The committee also expressed thanks to these donors and it was agreed that a notice will be posted on facebook to indicate “coming soon” and also article in the Signpost giving thanks. Mrs Moulson will take responsibility for Social Media postings and the Signpost article.

There are also funds of £500 (£250 from each council) to be added to the CPC account as agreed at respective PC meetings to ensure the budget is kept for putting on events.

47/2022 - 8. Finance update

Following events, careful consideration should be given to the way funds raised are advertised to prevent perception that we have made the amount indicated in profit. Funds raised should be indicated as “before costs”.

Mrs Brooke – will share a report of accounts from the Fun Day after the meeting for future discussion.

The bank reconciliation report was shared.

48/2022 - 9. Date and time of next meeting. – 31 January 2023

Sub committees will convene in the meantime.

Meeting closed 20:19

Future items –

Sub Committee reports, Health and Safety Report, Finance Report as standard items.