August 2022 Minutes
Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council
c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ
Tel: 07766 396061
Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)
Present - Cllrs Creek, Leah, Moulson, Welch, Widdison and Mrs Moulson
28/2022 - 1. Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. - Cllr Swift
29/2022 - 2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None Declared
30/2022 - 3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 28 June 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. – All in favour
31/2022 - 4. Resolve to accept The Parish Council amendments to the Business plan
Mrs Moulson indicated that a strategic plan is a recognised term when applying for grants. Aspirational Plan gives the impression that we ‘may do it’. Reason given was that it wasn’t necessary achievable in the time scale hence given the title “Aspirational”. – Consider to take back to the PC’s to indicate whether it is acceptable for it to be termed “Strategic Plan” for the basis of Grant applications and to add a sub title to indicate that it is dependent upon grants and fund raising.
Propose – Cllr Leah, Second – Mrs Moulson – Resolved.
32/2022 - 5. Resolve to accept The Parish council amendments to the 2022/2023 budget
Question about removing last paragraph on paragraph 5 about maintenance. – agreed to remove.
Mrs Moulson explained how the budget was to be broken down over the events throughout the year.
Cllr Creek – explained we need to ensure that the money is in the bank first.
Cllr Widdison – people want to see things on the field. He contacted Mr Hanson who has confirmed the swings offer. Understands the need for marques and gazebos for running events. RGW Services /Cllr Widdison has obtained a new marque which is larger for a third of the cost. He will loan this to the CPC with a view to donating in the future. Cllr Creek thanked Cllr Widdison – all in favour.
Take the marque out of the equation and reduce the remaining purchases
Prop Cllr Moulson, Second Cllr Welch. – Resolved.
33/2022 - 6. Fun day
Discuss requirements
The requirements for the Fun day were discussed and it was agreed to bring the event in under £300
Proposed – Cllr Welch, Second Cllr Leah - Resolved
34/2022 - 7. To discuss a register of equipment and location.
Members of the CPC to collate a list of equipment and it’s location.
35/2022 - 8. To discuss quotes for swings
Discussion took place around the quotes received. The Kompan quote from Mr Hanson was the cheapest but this was wooden. Preferred option is metal. Playdale meets the requirements so additional funding needs acquiring. Clerk to approach Cllr Summers with regard to his CIF fund. Other sponsorship to be sought across the village businesses.
Cllr Leah proposed to take the quote from Playdale and shift funds from that allocated to the Electricity in order to get the preferred swings.
Seconded Cllr Moulson - Resolved
36/2022 - 9. To discuss acquisition of goal posts.
New posts ordered and will be delivered to Cllr Moulson.
37/2022 - 10. To discuss the progression of electricity to the Community Park.
Need to get a quote for Electricity installation, pay a deposit and arrange for installation in early spring. Clerk to provide the original quote. Cllr Widdison to seek compensation from Northern Power for damage to the field and request a quotation for electric to the field.
38/2022 - 11. To discuss Rospa report
Benches need re-siting. Cllrs Creek, Moulson and Widdison to visit the park on Friday and report back. Monthly checks to be logged and passed to the clerk.
39/2022 – 12. Date and time of next meeting.