CPC August 2019 Minutes

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Minutes of the meeting held at 7.30 pm on 20 August 2019

The Bottle & Glass, Normanby by Spital

The Vice Chair, Mrs Sara Carter opened the meeting at 7.30 and welcomed the members of public who were present.

1. Apologies received from:

Barbara Moulson, John Moulson

2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 April 2019

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

3. Matter Arising

On the matter of the Committee’s Terms of Reference, a check to be made to ascertain if ratification is to be annual or if this applies only to membership of the Committee.


The resignation of Mr Keith Hanson as Chairman and as a member of the Committee was noted. Mr Jamie Marshal and Cllr Jeff Summers were co-opted to the Committee. Cllr Summer was nominated by Mr Danny Mellor as Chairman; this was seconded by Mrs Denise Leah. All members agreed.

Mrs Carter continued to act as Chair for the course of the meeting.


4. Financial Report

The attached Financial Report was presented by the Treasurer.

Attachment (not yet included)

5. Report on Progress on Field

Kompan had installed the play equipment, which is now being used. A problem on the cargo netting section had been reported. This had been rectified as soon as Kompan had been notified. The terms of warranty to be checked for the future.

A Health & Safety notice to be placed on the notice board, along with the telephone numbers of Parish Clerks so that any issues may be reported. The Parish Clerks to direct issue to appropriate person. A supply of ‘Keep Off’ tape to be kept available for emergencies.


A digital combination padlock to be obtained as soon as possible to replace the current padlock to expedite necessary entry to the park. The combination number to be shared between all Committee Members and the Parish Clerks and made available to others as necessary.

ACTION: JMarshall

6. Summer Fete Budget & Planning

The attached summary was distributed for discussion. Among the issues discussed was the need for a generator for the WI Tea Tent. Mrs Tracey Firth (attending as a member of the public and part of the Fete Working Party) believed she would be able to source a suitable generator. It was agreed that an electric PA system would be prohibitively expensive. Cllr Summers offered to supply a battery powered megaphone for making announcements,


A budget of £400 was proposed by Mrs Isabelle Brooke and seconded by Mrs Sara Carter to cover the expenses of the Fete.

Attachment (not yet included)


7. Future Fundraising events

Some suggestions for events for researching and discussion:

  • Horse racing night
  • Quiz Night
  • Barbeque
  • Open Air Cinema
  • Christmas Craft Fair

8. Grant Applications

It was agreed that better records with a detailed index be set up.

9. Next steps - priorities

In view of the changes to the Committee, it was agreed that this item should be deferred until the next meeting.

10. Any other business for discussion and inclusion on next agenda

No other business tabled.

11. Date and venue of next meeting