CPC December 2019 Minutes

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CPC Minutes Dec 2019

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3 December 2019

Meeting attended by

Jeff Summers, Isabelle Brooke, Sara Carter, Denise Leah, Danny Mellor, Barbara Moulson, John Moulson, Angela Hanson

1. Apologies received

No apologies received

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed: Barbara Moulson   Seconded: Sara Carter

3. Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda

Several items from the minutes to required action and would be carried forward to the next meeting.

3.1 Safety notice on play equipment


3.2 Annual RoSPA Safety Check


3.3 Prices for swings and multi-purpose goal posts


4. New member of Committee

Angela Hanson attended the meeting with a view to joining the Committee and was welcomed by the Chairman. Cllr Hanson said that she wished to represent Normanby Parish Council on the Committee. Owmby Parish Council to be requested to ratify.

5. Discussion and decision regarding establishing sub-committees

5.1 A document was circulated outlining a proposal to set up two further sub-committees in additional to the events committee, a maintenance committee and a funding committee. It was agreed that this would be an effective way of working.

5.2 It was agreed that the Events Committee would continue to be chaired by Isabelle Brooke, the Maintenance Committee would be chaired by Danny Mellor and the Funding Committee chaired by Barbara Moulson. Members for each would be co-opted as appropriate.

5.3 During the course of the discussion, Angie Hansen asked why the cash donations received for the fete were paid into OPC bank account and not paid to NOCT so that Gift Aid could be reclaimed. This reverts to a discussion from previous meetings and advice given by LALC. Mrs Hansen said that this advice had been changed. Relevant copy correspondence to be obtained and presented to our next meeting.


5.4 However, on this occasion it had been noted that the money had been donated was to underwrite the cost of the fete so the issue had not arisen.

6. Dates for events and meetings in 2020

6.1 A list of dates for meetings and a separate list of dates for events were circulated at the meeting. Committee meetings were planned for the first Tuesday of each month, the first being Tuesday 7 January, which would be planned as an open meeting.

6.2 The list of events included a Quiz Night planned for the third Tuesday of each month, the first being Tuesday 21 January. Also included as potential events were an Easter Raffle, VE Day celebration, an Annual Meeting, as well the Village Fete on Sunday 13 September.

6.3 It is hoped that a full programme of regular events can be established.

7. Raffles – Registration with WLDC

7.1 It was reported that an application to register as a Small Society Lottery with WLDC was to be made. The initial registration would cost £40, with £20 annually thereafter.


7.2 Tickets for the Christmas Raffle were divided between members to sell, with the bulk going to Normanby Village Shop and the Bottle & Glass pub to be sold. The draw will be done on 23 December at the shop by an independent person.

7.3 It was agreed that a register of assets should be established, in two parts: one to list equipment and reusable items and a separate one to list raffle prizes as they are received.  Committee members were requested to inform Isabelle Brooke what items they were storing for the Committee.


8. Christmas Jumper Walk – Sunday 15 December

8.1 The walk has been publicised on Facebook and by poster. Tickets will be sold at Normanby village shop, ticket will entitle the holder to a hot drink (tea, coffee or hot chocolate provided by the Bottle & Glass at £1 per drink) and a mince pie (purchased from the village shop). Squash and chocolate crispy cakes will be available for children.

8.2 Meeting outside put at 10.30 with the aim of setting off at 10.35. It is expected that the walk will take between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on age and ability. Refreshments will be served in or outside the pub, as appropriate (supervising dogs, horses etc)

8.3 A Risk Assessment to be carried out a few days before the walk. Recommendations for deployment of volunteer marshals to made following this assessment.

8.4 Water bowls and poo bags to be provided.


9. Items for next Agenda /Any other business

9.1 It was proposed to review the Terms of Reference, which were written to set up the Committee but which do not necessarily work for an established committee.

9.2 Mrs Leah reported that Glentham Methodist Church had offered to donate a wild flower bomb to be used on the Community Park. It was agreed that this was a very kind gesture and that an appropriate letter of thanks should be sent.


10. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 7 January 2020 – the Bottle & Glass