September 2023 Minutes


19 September 2023

St Peters and St Pauls Church, Owmby by Spital

commencing at 7.00pm

Present Cllrs Crompton Howe, Davis, Swift and Welch, Cllr Bunney LCC                                                                                            

Public – None

Meeting commenced at 7.00pm



51/2023 To receive reports from County & District Councillors, if present. Cllr Bunney gave his report. Full details are available on the web site - here.

52/2023 Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Leah.

53/2023 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation NON DECLARED

54/2023 To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023 RESOLVED

55/2023 Planning Applications – None received.

56/2023 CPC

The future of the committee – Thanks were given for the work that Mrs Brooke and Mrs Moulson had done for the park prior to their resignations. The clerk shared the proposal from Normanby PC that a working group is formed of 2 councillors from each council. It is left open to add two non council members if any come forward in the future. The working group would have no delegated responsibility. There would also be a Committee with delegated responsibility to meet if OPC and NPC cannot agree on any proposals by the Working Group. The Committee would be made up of the Chairs and 2 Councillors from each council.  – RESOLVED.

Grant funding – The Clerk, Cllrs Widdison(NPC) and Welch (OPC) attended a session with WLDC to discuss funding opportunities. Cllr Leah is communication with WLDC with a view to arranging a meeting with the Grants team.

Events – Autumn Fayre on 10th September–

The event on 10 September was a great success and thanks were given to all who assisted and supported.

The next event is a Christmas Craft Fayre in November. Currently looking at locations as the school is coming in expensive.

H&S Update – Rospa report has been circulated and will be actioned as appropriate.

Additional Rubbish Bin –RESOLVED to accept quote for £405 from WLDC + £50 delivery. 

Trees & Bulbs – Agreed to set a date to hold a volunteering event for planting trees, bulbs and creating paths with donated chippings.

57/2023 Christmas Tree

              Cllr Welch proposed that the Parish council look to obtain a Christmas Tree for the community park. The clerk suggested that CIL funding could be used to support the electricity supply to this and will check with WLDC. Quotes to be obtained.  RESOLVED

58/2023 Cemetery update – It was noted that a headstone had been moved and updated with an additional inscription without authorisation of the council and a permit applied for. The clerk has resolved this and the appropriate paperwork is now in place.

59/2023 Highways –     

Results of speeding survey was shared and noted.

Cllr Crompton Howe agreed to audit the contents of the salt bins.

60/2023 Policies –

Statement of Internal Controls - RESOLVED

Data Retention and Records management - RESOLVED

Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act – RESOLVED

61/2023 Finance Matters

To approve the bank reconciliation and payments as shown here. RESOLVED

Clerk to look at spending the CIL funds on electrical works to the Community Park.

62/2023 Next scheduled meetings

Tuesday 14 November - changed from previously advertised

Meeting closed 20:19